AstroX features
The AstroX features are specifically designed and continue to be developed to optimise profitability whilst reducing risks by allowing traders to enter trending projects sooner rather than later.
AstroX First Movers
Identifying early spotters and early trends
In-depth ticker tracking
Mention count
First usage analysis
Benefits for traders
Influencer effectiveness
Risk mitigation
Early market entry
Strategic trading decisions
A tool for proactive trend-spotting
AstroX first movers transforms your approach from reactive to proactive, focusing on foresight and early action. Tap into early trend detection with AstroX first movers.
AstroX Global Statistics
A complete picture at a glance
Broad market insights
Detailed account monitoring and top X accounts
Ticker and hashtag analysis
Benefits for traders
Informed trading decisions
Increased profit potential
Reduced risk of chasing hype
Time and lifestyle benefits
AstroX Graphical Representation
Visuals make it easy
Visual analytics at your fingertips
Sentiment analysis pie charts
Future developments and improvements
Global statistics visualisation
We’re building an entire web UI interface with customisable analytics and visuals that’ll make the data all the more easier to digest, bringing even more metrics to life and offering a graphical representation of global statistics and trend data.
Benefits for traders
Immediate insight
Deeper market understanding
Trend analysis made simple
Enhanced data interaction
AstroX Influencer Score & Rank
Prioritizing impactful voices
AstroX’s Influencer Score & Rank – it’s exactly what it says on the tin. This unique feature aggregates all data of an account’s impact on projects, generates a score, and ranks them against other accounts, clearly indicating who has the most significant impact on a project’s price action, market cap, and volume.
Instantly identify the influencers worth following and those to steer clear of, enhancing your strategy for risk reduction and profitability.
How it works
Aggregated scoring system
Ranking influencers
Benefits for traders
Follow the leaders
Informed decision making
Risk mitigation
Benefits for project owners
Strategic collaborations
Effective marketing ROI
Brand perception management
Benefits for business owners
Data-driven influencer marketing
Maximise marketing ROI
Brand alignment
Reduce time spent on finding the right voices
AstroX Sniper & Tweet Sniper
Optimise your buying process
Advanced sniping capabilities
Tweet-based sniping
One-stop solution
Benefits for traders
Timely trades
Integration with Maestro
Streamlined process
Making things simple and efficient
AstroX Token Scanner w/ Alias Allocation
Setting higher standards for tracking
Unique CA and ticker association
Alias allocation
Accurate tracking
Benefits for traders
Enhanced sniping capabilities
Market impact analysis
Informed trading decisions
A new standard in token analysis
AstroX Token Scanner w/ Alias Allocation sets a new standard in crypto market analysis. It’s not just about having data; it’s about having the right data, correctly attributed, and easily actionable.
Tweet Effect Analysis
Save time; increase profits
How it works
Snapshot analysis
Price and market cap calculation
Benefits for traders
Follow the impactful voices
Strategic trading decisions
Minimise risk
For project owners
ROI on influencer collaborations
Marketing strategy optimisation
Enhanced market positioning
A new and efficient approach
AstroX Twitter Notifications
Always 1 step ahead
How it works
Real-time tracking
Instant notifications
Tweet sniper integration
Benefits for traders
Always 1 step ahead
Maximise profit potential
Risk reduction
Focused information stream
Strategic trading moves
AstroX Influencer Groups
Block out the noise
Customised influencer analysis
Personalised tracking
Time-saving and efficient
Score and rank customisation
Benefits for traders
Strategic insight
Clearer decisions
Benefits for project owners
Targeted influence
Competitive analysis
Categorise by niche or characteristics
Group influencers based on custom factors or parameters allowing a better understanding of their individual target audiences and how they impact them
Benefits for enterprises
Market trend analysis
Enterprises can use custom groups to track and compare influencers that are pivotal in shaping industry trends particular to their niche, allowing for better strategic planning and market positioning.
Brand alignment
Zeroing in on the ones that count
Bringing it all together
The ultimate combination of features
Now you can stop spending countless hours searching for projects and hoping you caught an influencer's call at the right time. By using a combination of these features, you can strategically enter projects earlier, and start making consistent profits whilst reducing trading risks, making the hope of breaking away from your day job and being in control of your life and finances all the more possible.
99.9% of the market gets the information after your trade
Thanks to getting into trades earlier, your profit margins increase. You have more freedom to exit a trade when you want, and you can say goodbye to being exit liquidity.
Begin using this lifechanging tool today by getting into trades earlier, reducing risks, and improving profits margins.